

Event Details

Use the Event Details dialog box to examine all the properties of an event.

Tab Notes
Summary This tab show the most important information from the other tabs
Details This tab provides detailed properties of an event
Signature This tab shows details of the signature, if one was matched, for this event.
It allows direct access to edit the signature rule or to create a new signature rule from this event.
Data This tab shows both the received and the response data of the event.

The Event Interpretation section describes how you can analyze this data.

Event Fields

  • Sensor ID
    The ID of the sensor on which the event was detected
  • Event ID
    The event identification number
  • Start Time
    The time of the start of an event
  • End Time
    The time of the end of an event
  • Type
    The type of the event
  • Severity
    The severity level of the event
  • Description
    Additional information
  • Closed By
    Displays who closed the connection, the visitor or the sensor server
  • Limit Exceeded
    If the visitor attempted to send more data to the sensor than the maximum permitted then this will be indicated
  • Received
    The number of bytes sent by the visitor to the sensor.
  • Response
    The number of bytes sent by the sensor to the visitor.

Visitor Fields

  • IP
    The IP address of the visitor that generated the event
  • Port
    The port number on the visitor's machine used in the connection. N.B. This is likely to be a random port selection.
  • Domain
    The domain name of the visitor that generated the event. This is obtained by a reverse DNS lookup on the visitor's IP address.

Sensor Fields

  • Name
    The Name of the sensor listen that generated the event
  • IP
    The IP address of the sensor on which the event was detected
  • Port
    The port number of the sensor on which the event was detected
  • Bound
    The address to which the sensor was bound. This will be blank if the sensor is not bound to a single IP address
  • Protocol
    The communication protocol used in the event
  • Action
    The action taken by the sensor
  • Sim Server
    The name of the Sim Server used, if specified
  • Create Visitor Rule
    This fills in the basic details of the Visitor Rule dialog allowing for fast rule creation.


If a signature rule has been matched for this event then its details will be displayed in the Signature tab.

  • ID
    The ID uniquely identifies a rule. The ID may be up to twelve characters long. There are two conventions to rules names; external rules start with a $ and rules from KeyFocus start with a !
  • Message
    The message is a piece of text displayed to the user that describes what the rule identified.
  • Source Reference
    This is a URL link to more information on a rule.
  • Browse button
    This button opens a web browse with the URL specified in the source reference.
  • Source Type
    The source type specified the origin of a rule and is used by the signature engine to give priority to rule.
  • Created
    The date and time that the rule was created or imported.
  • Edited
    The date and time that the rule was last edited.
  • Edit button
    Edit the signature rule using the Edit Signature Rule dialog box
  • Create button
    Create a new signature rule using the Add Signature Rule dialog box.
    The details of the new rule will be automatically populated with details from the event.


  • Received
    The data sent by the visitor to the sensor. Only a limited number of bytes are displayed and non ASCII displayable bytes are encoded
  • Response
    The data sent by the sensor to the visitor. Only a limited number of bytes are displayed and non ASCII displayable bytes are encoded
  • Expand
    Use the Expand button to view the received or sent data in an expanded view in the Event Details Viewer.

KFSensor On-Line Manual Contents