

Ports View

The Ports View is displayed on the left panel of the main window. It comprises of a tree structure that displays the name and status of the KFSensor Server and the ports on which it is listening.

The Ports View can be displayed by selecting the Ports option from the View menu.

The Port View is linked to the Events View and acts as a filter to it. For example if you select port 80, then only those events related to port 80 will be displayed in the Events View.

The tree structure comprises of the following elements and levels:


The top level item is the server. The IP address of the KFSensor Server and the name of the currently active Scenario are displayed.
The server icon indicates the state of the server:

Icon State Description
Running The KFSensor Server is running and operational
Stopped The KFSensor Server is not running
Error An error occurred when running the KFSensor Server


The protocol level is used to group the ports based on their protocol; either TCP or UDP.


Each port that the KFSensor Server is listening on is listed in numerical order.
These are controlled by the Listen definitions in the currently active Scenario.
The port number and the Listen name are displayed, together with an icon indicating the state of the port.
The actual Listen Icon displayed will be the icon specified in the listen definition.

Icons Color State Description
Green No recent activity No events have been detected on this port for a considerable period of time.
Yellow Recent activity An event has been detected on this port recently.
The exact time interval of a recent event can be configured using the Customize dialog box.
Red Very recent activity An event has been detected on this port very recently.
The exact time interval of a very recent event can be configured using the Customize dialog box.
Grey Inactive This port is not active and will generate no events
Blue Error

The listen on the port failed to start. This is usually because another service is already using this port.

See the Correcting Port Errors in the Admin Guide for details on how to fix these.

KFSensor On-Line Manual Contents